Last week our team Ivona Markovic, Stanko Jankovic, Ivan Markovic traveled to Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao for study trip organised by our office and supported by our partner China Southern Airlines . Trip was organised to promote Belgrade – Guangzhou flights, city main attractions, accommodation, city transfer options, local food and landmarks in the surroundings. We experienced the excellent service of the direct flights in Business and Economy class, lounges, airport services etc.

Locally in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macao a lot of beautiful places were discovered as well as the tasting of the local Cantonese food which was delicious. All three destinations and surrounding area have a lot to offer to both, leisure and business travellers. This trip will enable us to share our personal experience with travel trade in Serbia and Montenegro during our sales visits or workshops.

Special thanks to China Southern Airlines and our local APG offices who made this trip a huge success!

APG Serbia & Western Balkans

GSA representative for China Southern Airlines in Serbia and Montenegro

email :

tel : +381 11 310 8962


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