
Expand your horizons with oneworld Alliance !With Royal Air Maroc as part of the Oneworld Alliance, your travel just got easier and more efficient. For more info and bookings check through your preferred travel agent or contact us: APG SRB & Western Balkans (GSA representative for Royal Air Maroc in Serbia and Montenegro) email : serbia@apg-ga.com […]


Just like solving a Rubik’s Cube, air travel can seem complex — but we’re here to make it simple!  Fly with EGYPTAIR (MS) and APG Airlines GP-275! Issuing tickets on GP-275 stock has never been easier. Discover our full list of airline partners at www.apgiet.com” or contact us: APG SRB & Western Balkans email : serbia@apg-ga.com tel : +381 11 […]

Ethiopian Airlines (ET)

 Travel with Ethiopian Airlines (ET) and APG Airlines, GP-275! Issuing your tickets on GP-275 stock has never been easier.   For a full list of all partners available to issue on GP-275, visit our website www.apgiet.com where you will also find a list of all our partner airlines. For more information contact our office : APG SRB & […]

KenyaAirways – The Pride of Africa

Where to next? Your next adventure awaits.Book your #KenyaAirways flights with your local travel agent or contact our local office:APG SERBIA & Western BalkansGSA representative for Kenya Airways in Serbia and Montenegro email : serbia@apg-ga.com kenyaairways.rs@apg-ga.com tel : +381 11 310 8960 www.apg.rs


Mid-Autumn vibes are in the air!  Join Xiamen Airlines and glide beneath the full moon toward sweet reunions and mooncake magic!  No matter where you are, may your journey be full of light and joy! For flights information and bookings go to https://www.xiamenair.cn/en-eu, check through your preferred travel agent or contact us: APG Serbia & Western BalkansGSA representative […]

#KenyaAirways – The Pride of Africa

Did you know? Bazaruto National Park is Mozambique’s best-known Marine National Park? It is also home to the Dugong; an endangered marine mammal Book your #KenyaAirways flights with your local travel agent or contact our local office: APG SERBIA & Western Balkans GSA representative for Kenya Airways in Serbia and Montenegro email : serbia@apg-ga.com kenyaairways.rs@apg-ga.com tel : +381 […]

China Southern Airlines (CZ)

 China Southern Airlines has launched a direct flights between Guangzhou and Belgrade. Get ready to explore these beautiful cities with ease!For flights information and bookings go to https://www.csair.com/en ,contact your preferred travel agent or contact us:APG Serbia & Western BalkansGSA representative for China Southern Airlines in Serbia and Montenegroemail : serbia@apg-ga.comtel : +381 11 310 8962www.apg.rs #FlyWithCSAir #TravelWithCSAir #CSAir


Travel with Corsair (SS) and APG Airlines, GP-275! Issuing your tickets on GP-275 stock has never been easier. Our APG IET platform features 148 partners, all available for ticketing on GP-275. For detailed information, please visit our website at www.apgiet.com or contact our office : APG SRB & Western Balkans email : serbia@apg-ga.com tel : […]


Indulge in a refined afternoon tea at #XiamenAirlines First Class Lounge The perfect blend of elegance and taste awaits you #ChefXiamenAirFor flights information and bookings go to https://www.xiamenair.cn/en-eu, check through your preferred travel agent or contact us: APG Serbia & Western BalkansGSA representative for Xiamen Airlines in Serbia and Montenegro email : serbia@apg-ga.com xiamen-airlines.rs@apg-ga.com xiamen-airlines.me@apg-ga.com tel : +381 11 310 8961 […]